التعليموظائف و تعليم

موضوع عن الام بالانجليزي

Mother And Her Children | موسوعة الشرق الأوسط

كتابة موضوع عن الأم باللغة الإنجليزية هو أمر بسيط يمكن القيام به، فقط استرخي ودع أفكارك تتدفق بتفكيرك في والدتك مع التركيز على مشاعرك وتسجيل بعض تلك الأفكار. حاول التعبير عن تلك المشاعر التي لا يمكن للكلمات وصفها بعمقها. ولمساعدتك على تحرير أفكارك وتسجيل مشاعرك، يمكنك تعلم بعض المفردات الهامة في اللغة الإنجليزية وذلك عن طريق قراءة هذه المقالة التي نقدمها لك على موقع الموسوعة.

موضوع عن الام بالانجليزي

Mother represents a symbol for many great things in life this includes safe, unlimited unconditional love, care and giving. Albeit as we grow and our  responsibilities increase the time we spent with her becomes kind of limited but at the same time our love and appreciation for her grows. Simply during our stay with her at the same home we start asking about her directly and as we grow up and became independent persons she still  the person whom we talk with in happiness to double it and in trials times because just hearing her voice provides us with marvelous support.

She represents many persons in one, although being a mother is totally enough but also she does the roles of the sister and best friend. She helps without asking if we need help and feels when we aren’t feeling good even we didn’t talk depending on her intuition and deep love. She accepts us whatever we did and prays for us more than she did for herself. She forgives us whatever we did.

No person in the world wishes the best for us than her. The ultimate reason for her happiness is seeing us happy and the worst things for her is seeing us sad. For all this reasons whatever we did we can’t thank her for even tiny part of her continuous unlimited giving for us but this didn’t means that doing our best to take care of her and making her happy as we can and make it our daily habit not  just in mother’s day.

Share with us some of the most beautiful times you spent with your mother and the best thing you did that makes her extremely happy. Beside that make a surprise today for your mother even if there isn’t occasion for that.

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