اذاعة بالانجليزي عن الابتسامة
يحث الإسلام على التبسم في وجه الجميع، حيث تنشر البسمة السعادة والفرح في المجتمع وتمحي العنف والاكتئاب من الناس. ويعتبر التبسم الحقيقي الذي يخرج من الأعماق أفضل أنواع الابتسامات؛ حيث يصل إلى قلوب من حولك. وقد كان النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم كثير التبسم، فلنجعل من الابتسامة عادة حسنة يقتدي بها الجميع لنشر التفاؤل في المجتمع.
اذاعة بالانجليزي عن الابتسامة
with a new sunny day; we meet you by smile and laughing we will talk about very important object called smile; our teachers and our leader we wish to hear about our broadcast
introduction to the smile
/now we will be with the student who is the back bone of our broadcasting introduce she named
smile is the sun in our earth,it is feeling you acse ofe comfourtable when you make a friendship. it is not just a expression of your joy
quran kareem expression about smile
our god adviced us to smile to all of people to give them a trust of them selves, and smile in all of situtions ,our friend / will tell us with his greating voice
فلما قالت ذلك، تبسم بابتسامة وقال: يا رب، بعثر لي الشكر على نعمتك التي أنعمت بها علي وعلى والدي، واجعلني أعمل الخيرات التي ترضيك، وأدخلني برحمتك في جماعة عبادك الصالحين.
the word about prophet mohamed
now we will be with the student/ mohamed said in the topic about smile
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: `الابتسامة في وجه أخيك صدقة`، حديث شريف.
morrning text
the most beautiful student in our school will tell us about greats word which expresses smile and how it important for people
- smile helps us to spread happiness.
- with the smile you can make realtionships easily.
- smile makes us very attractive
- smiling is contagious
- smile helps us to feel very good
- it is make me beautiful
- it is give you a possitive energy and you can control the world with your laugh
- smile make your age younger than you now
- it is deleted all of stress
- smile carry to all of the world the mean of peace
topic about smile
the student…….. tell us an intellgent advice,do not be afraid to smile ;it is a brand new opportunity to rebuild what you truly want
without dreams we reach nothing; without smile we feel nothing; without allah we are nothing
songs about smile
……time is come to hear song about smile and how it is important to our life; we can hear the student
(words the smile by the emmanuel we always have the right to doubt dissappoint)
the end about smile subject
finally; we thanks you for hearing us; and we hope to learn any thing from our words ; and we wish to all of you a great morning ; good bye and see you in other broadcast