العلاقات و التعارفالناس و المجتمع

رسالة الى صديق بالانجليزي

shutterstock SMS | موسوعة الشرق الأوسط

كتابة رسالة إلى صديق باللغة الإنجليزية أمر سهل، ويعتمد بشكل أساسي على التعبير عن مشاعرك تجاه صديقك، فالرسائل الصادرة من القلب هي الأكثر صدقًا وتلقائية وتخلو من التصنع، لذا يجب عليك قراءة الرسائل المذكورة في هذه المقالة ومن ثم التعبير عن ما تريد قوله لصديقك من أعماق قلبك. ويمكن كتابة الرسائل الإنجليزية وتبادلها مع الأصدقاء المتحدثين باللغة العربية لتحسين ممارسة تحدث اللغة الإنجليزية بينكما.

رسالة الى صديق بالانجليزي

  • Thanks for being in my life.
  • I thank Allah daily for having a special friend like you.
  • You are the first person I like to talk with when I have good news or when I have a bad one, that’s because you fell deep happiness for me in good times, and support me in harsh ones.
  • I forgot time during being with you or even chatting.
  • I always pray for you every day.
  • regard you a member of my family, albeit you have more love as you for me is chosen family member.
  • You are the ideal friend for me.
  • Albeit I get busy a lot and some times spend days without talking with you, I never forget you, I’m always thinking in you and pray for you from my heart.
  • You are a basic part in most of my happy memories.
  • Just thinking in you improves my mood.
  • No one knows me in life more than you.
  • You are the mirror of my personality, you always tell me the truth even it’s harsh to help me deal with hard times and improves my life.
  • I’m grateful for having you in my life.
  • You represent many great things for me as happiness, support, love, loyalty, kindness, honesty.
  • Hearing any good news about you overwhelm me with happiness.
  • Whatever I say to you can’t express my real feeling, and whatever I did to show how I’m grateful for you can’t show even 1% from what I feel that you deserve.
  • I regard myself lucky for having you in my life.
  • My second birthday is the date of knowing you.
  • I believe that you achieve most of your dreams, so keep the hard work.
  • Thanks for every time you supported me even with words.
  • I can’t thank you enough for helping me even before I ask for help or support.
  • I wish you all the best from my heart.
  • The feeling of loneliness went forever since you became part of my life.
  • Thinking about you  is the best type of addiction in the world.
  • I look forward to talk with you every time more the last one as your love is growing in my heart from day-to-day.

المصادر: 1، 2، 3، 4، 5.

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